The menu bar helps to navigate through the functions of LimouRATE. It can be folded in and out as required.
DashboardOpens the starting page
Rate tablesOpens the list of rate tablesRead more about rate tables
CalculateOpens the rate calculator
NetworkOpens a list with all LimouRATE users.
Network usageOpens an overview of processed calculations based on your „My Share“ rate table.
Travel times / Fixed routesOpens a list of routes with fixed distances and travel times.Read more about travel times / fixed routes
CurrenciesOpens a list of stored exchange ratesRead more about currencies
CategoriesOpens the list of vehicle categoriesRead more about vehicle categories
Volume PlansSee and edit your LimouRATE Volume Plan
Payment dataEnter credit card detailsRead more
Master DataEnter or edit company dataRead more about Master Data
VehiclesOpens a list of stored vehicles.
StaffOpens a list of stored staff dataRead more about company profile
Change PasswordClick to change user password.